Rogue Wave – First Show of Tour – Portland, OR

The Rogue Wave tour has officially started! We played our first show, with Kelley Stoltz and Climber. Three good bands, and an enthusiastic and attentive crowd – a really enjoyable evening all around. There were gremlins, but of course there were gremlins – it’s the first night of tour. By Calgary we’ll be a well-oiled machine.

We did an in-store at Jackpot Records, which is the best record store I’ve been to in a while. Great selection, good prices, gentle incandescent lighting a la a nice bookstore, and the friendliest staff ever! They treated us really well – we each were given a $25 gift certificate and a free shirt. Wow! If we encounter this sort of largesse on the rest of the tour, I will feel extraordinarily fortunate. Come to think of it, I already feel extraordinarily fortunate. I have a great job :-)

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