So I ended up actually getting the Pro Tools sessions and redoing the mixes for the first couple songs on the LOFTS record. Holy shit. These songs are seriously amazing. I’ve put one up on my studio page, called “It’s True.”

I’m *so excited* for this record to come out. We need to find these guys a label. Have a listen to the track … anyone have any ideas what indie label would put this out?

Cool news … I’m finally able to announce that I’ve been hired to make some recordings with an excellent band from San Francisco called dot punto! (Yes, with no capital letters. And I believe a period at the end.) I would call what they do … indie latin pop, perhaps? At any rate it’s going to be a super fun project. I actually signed on to do it in December, but it was a surprise Christmas gift to the band from the drummer’s boyfriend, and I had to keep quiet about it until the band found out. What a cool gift. It looks like we’ll be tracking maybe in April. Watch this space!

I’m just finishing up mastering a new EP for an “art rap” artist from San Antonio named Bryson Brooks. That’s his real name! You don’t see a lot of that in rap. It’s probably because he’s primarily a visual artist. How refreshing.

The EP is far out. It’s produced by my friend Gordon Raphael (Strokes/Regina Spektor). Lots of glitchy synths and sub-bass. As far as I can tell, all the songs are about women’s rear ends, and some are also about drugs. Perfect!

Seriously though, it’s good; check it when it comes out. I believe the first video is coming out at the end of the month; I’ll post the single on my studio page when it’s out!